Our organization is looking to hire a motivated and passionate person with experience in community organizing and research.
Join an exciting and innovative project that aims to build the capacity of Indigenous communities and, particularly, Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit, and gender diverse peoples to be able to participate more meaningfully in impact assessment processes. For more information about some of the activities we have undertaken to date please visit https://keepersofthecircle.com/empowered-voices
Applications will be accepted until April 5th 2025
Job Tasks:
-Advocate on key issues related to Impact Assessments, Resource Development, GBA+, MMIWG
-Supporting ongoing training of First Nations and Inuit peoples on Impact Assessment processes
-Contribute to our research priorities for our project deliverables including policy guidance, toolkits, media postings, and other outreach materials
-Support the planning and delivery of webinars, meetings and social media posting, newsletters, etc.
-Promote the applications of Gender Based Analysis Plus and Intersectional Analysis in various spaces
-Support coordination of meetings and activities
-Have knowledge of Indigenous contemporary Indigenous and environmental issues
-Strong reading and writing skills, experience with academic writing is a plus
-Experience with academic research is a plus though not required to apply
-Computer and technology skills necessary
-Be willing to participate in trainings; seminars; working groups; coalitions that further project goals
-Be adaptive to a dynamic learning and working environment
-Comfortable public speaking to diverse groups of people
Preference will be given to applicants who:
Have lived experience with consultations/ IBA coordinating/ Community organizing
OR Indigenous women or gender diverse persons
OR People who Reside in Kamloops, or in Northern British Columbia
OR Have college or university training in related fields (Gender studies, Environmental studies, Land management; Law and Policy; Community outreach; or similar)
The contract term will be April 15th, 2025, to March 31st 2026, with the potential for a one year extension
Start date: April 15th 2025
For more information contact a.bridges@keepersofthecircle.com
Tagged as: advocacy, empowered voices, impact assessment, indigenous, women 2 spirit girls gender diverse